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It’s Christmas Day

angielskie koledy
angielskie koledy

Tekst Angielski: It’s Christmas Day

A baby boy was born one day
In a stable far away
He nestled in a manger bed
On straw he laid his tiny head

(Chorus) It’s Christmas Day all over Earth
Let the bells ring out for Jesus’s birth

The shepherds came from near and far
Guided by a lonely star
The Wise men travelled night and day
To Bethlehem where Jesus lay

(Chorus) It’s Christmas Day all over Earth
Let the bells ring out for Jesus’s birth

They looked upon that infant face
Saviour for the human race
So every year on Christmas Day
We’ll thank dear God in our own way

(Chorus) It’s Christmas Day all over Earth
Let the bells ring out for Jesus’s birth.

Dougie Campbell

Wykonanie Piosenki: It’s Christmas Day

Powróć do: Angielskie Kolędy i Piosenki Świąteczne
oraz do: Zagraniczne Kolędy i Piosenki Świąteczne

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